North Cleveland
Baptist Church

Where Love is Alive

Join Us Sunday Mornings:

8:30 am - Worship Service

9:45 am - Bible Study/Sunday School

11:00 am - Worship Service

What’s Happening at NCBC?

Trunk or Treat

It’s that time again! Trunk or Treat is weeks away! We need lots of volunteers and even more candy! If you can help with Trunk or treat, please see Jonathan or Amber. Candy collection boxes will be placed throughout the facilities.

Senior Adult Lunch 9/19

September 19th, at 11:30 AM in the Annex. There will be representatives from various local services to discuss volunteer opportunities. Bring a dish to share

Walk For Life 9/21

Walk for Life to benefit the New Hope Pregnancy Center will be Sat., Sept. 21 at 8:45 am at North Cleveland Church of God. If you would like to participate, please contact Sheri Mowery.

Teachers/Assistants Needed

for Preschool and Elementary Sunday School. Still needed: assistant for 1st grade; teacher and assistant for kindergarten/5’s; assistant for 3’s/4’s; and an assistant for 2’s/walkers. Please see Jonathan or Amber Nelson if you would be able to serve!


Tuesdays, beginning August 13th- November 5th, at 6:00 PM in the Choir Room. Register to attend at


begins Thursday, August 15th at 6:30 PM in the Choir Room and will run for 13 weeks, through November 7th. Register at

Golden Offering-Sept

During the month of September, we are collecting the Golden Offering to benefit Tennessee Missions. Special offering envelopes are available in the sanctuary. You can also designate your gift online.

Ladies Bible Study

There will be a new 8-week Ladies Bible Study on Tuesdays, starting October 1 at 9:00 am in the Cathedral Room. We are going to use the READ inductive study method to study the book of Colossians. Please sign up on the attached sheet or email Sheri Mowery, so we can have a manual for you.

Ride the Rails

Join Dr. Jay on Monday, October 21 in Andrews, North Carolina. Take an incredible 8.5 mile round-trip on the old railroad to the historic hand-carved Valley River Tunnel. We will leave the church at 9:30 that morning.  Bring a lunch to enjoy on the excursion.  There is limited space. The cost is $50 per person. To reserve your spot, send this amount to the church office.

Watch Livestream of Sunday Worship

contact information

Church Office:


write us or contact us on our social media